Tuesday, May 4, 2010


It is very important to first determine the ability in other people. Then to effectively convince them about the talent you see they have must take place. To be able to convince is an art, not a science. You convince because you want to broaden their horizons and it is not easy. People are not easy to follow you when you think of their obvious skills and competencies. Its like when you approach an employee. You see in them great potential for growth and development to become entrepreneurs. But their fear of failure might hinder them. Instead of being willing to try something new they will not. If you really want to help a person succeed, then, it is your responsibility to show him safe opportunities to discover the gifts he possess. This person might have talents he never realize he have. This is something you don't reveal. Don't tell him this is what you are actually doing; but give him some assignments aligned to the ability you wish to discover. Furthermore, when they perform well, pinpoint the basic and specific attribute that helped them succeed. Finally, encourage them to develop it.

Monday, May 3, 2010

"Financial freedom is possible to them who work for it."

We are looking for people who wants to be educated and wants to educate others about financial intelligence and personal growth.

Nothing will happen in our lives until we make it happen... Why not learn to look at each opportunity as it arises in your life, and say to yourself these ten words: "IF IT IS TO BE... IT IS UP TO ME". Then GO OUT, take immediate and enthusiastic action and conquer the moment.

For inquiry:

Elmer Quilas
LifeSmart Leadership Institute
Feed My Hungry Children
Gateway Christian Baptist Ministries Inc.
Texas Baptist Theological Seminary (ASIA)

Follow me on my tweeter -- coachquilas